Monday, November 19, 2007

so what - anyway happy birthday big brada!

what's all that fuss about my brother turning five and all. I mean, we all do it sooner or later, don't we. and it is not like he did something to deserve it. it just happened - he woke up one day and turned five. that's all....
and nobody cared to take a picture of myself. I was wearing my best dress, with fancy tights and all. i did my best to attract people's attention, above all mum's attention (she had the camera, you know). but nothing. no pictures for me (just this one).

when i turn one, i am gonna have a better party. first, more air ballons. I love them, and I am not scared when they burst - i did it twice myself. second, less juice and more coffee for the kids. I love the smell of it and tried to drink it from the cups left on the floor more than once. i especially like to lick the sugary bottom of them.
third, naps banned. why all that frenzy about putting me and my baby friends to sleep right when the party was at its best!
and last but not least, we'll ban mums too! we'll have our dads entertaining us instead, for a change. we'll send our mums to some spa or something. who cares. ok dads?


Anonymous said...

No way Jose!
Mum's best at organizing a nice girly party with make up, hair braiding and dancing.
God try, though.

(And given you have issues with slang sometimes, here's what that Jose thing is about )

Leo&Ele said...

my name is Eleonora, not Jose - you should know by now

and by the way, make up and hair braiding are also banned from my party - come on dad you are so jurassic (go check in the slangapedia