Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas...a bit late

I am helping decorating the tree...
yes, I am!
and here it is...
ready to invite all sorts of gifts...!

I love all these lights and these bright colours!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas in Tulum, Mexico!!

The 11 hours' flight was great fun, I had hundreds of straws to chew, a lot of ribbons to pull, stickers to lick... (my parents opted for a paper store to get equipped for the trip)
...and bananas to eat. Of course I LOVE the skin of sbanana while I very carefully throw away their content. I also had croissants and parmesan cheese, and a good portion of my mom's meal (the kid's meal was really disgusting though).
And finally we reached the beach!! I can finally wear my bathing suit!
I like the beach, I love the sea, and I adore the sun!! I am just so happy to be here!
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I am not scared of the water...
so many bubbles....
and it is so warm!

my favourite dress..
and my favourite aunt!

my friend Gabriele, Giulia's little brother, was also there. He is 4 months younger than me, yet he's much bigger already! But...hey, my hair is no doubt longer!!

still...that makes me think....shall I eat more? How about arroz y frijoles?! I can't stop eating rice and beans! I am really Mexican in my heart! As usual I have to eat all by myself so... after each meal, I need a bath!

I can eat all sorts of things... from small coconuts...
to my favourite buiscuits...
to sea plants...

...but sand is at the top of my list! I ate so much sand that I pooped concrete... (ops)

I made it a point to greet the sun every day. Mom was very happy to accompany me.

We would then play and play and play until the moon came out...

... but a whole day at the beach can be very tiring! Luckily zia Eva was there to rescue me!

One kid for each adult around the table...!

looking at the horizon...

together with mom!

it was so good to spend so much time with mom...

and with dad!!

My big brada was als othere, but he was so busy with his girlfriends that he barely noticed me!

Monday, December 03, 2007

...qui sono proprio identica al mio babbo!

Qui invece sembro proprio un diavoletto... e' da qualche giorno che sono "rabbiosetta"... sara' che mi stanno spuntando i due denti canini?

Ah-ah! Finalmente mio fratello se n'e' andato e ora ho la sua bicicletta tutta per me!! Comunque questi nuovi dentini mi stanno proprio facendo patire e perdere moltissima saliva.... ho la maglietta completamente bagnata!!
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al parco

Eccomi mentre scambio 4 chiacchere con la mia amica Iolanda - certo che il suo passeggino e' molto piu' trendy del mio second-hand very old style stroller...!

Al parco, sull'altalena, che io di solito adoro, ma che oggi non mi diverte... visto che sono intrippatissima con gli uccellini e non faccio che scrutare il cielo per vederne passare qualcuno!

babbo, babbo, i piccioni! Dai inseguiamoli...!! Babbo? Perche' fai quella faccia? Sono i piccioni, o la prospettiva di metterti a correre?!

OK allora portami sullo scivolo, che oggi ho bisogno di emozioni forti!! Yuppie!
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

mancano i crauti...

Oggi la mia mamma e' fuori di se' dalla gioia: ho ripreso a mangiare di gusto, dopo una settimana di quasi digiuno (a causa di diarrea e raffreddore). Mai contenta, ora teme che la mia nuova dieta sia un po' troppo pesante. Eppure io la adoro: salsiccie al pepe, patate bollite e fagioli! E guai a frullarli, io li voglio mangiare a bocconi, come mio fratello!! Il mio babbo ha commentato serafico come al solito: "I capelli rossi non mentono - abbiamo sangue tedesco... mancano solo i crauti!".

Monday, November 19, 2007

so what - anyway happy birthday big brada!

what's all that fuss about my brother turning five and all. I mean, we all do it sooner or later, don't we. and it is not like he did something to deserve it. it just happened - he woke up one day and turned five. that's all....
and nobody cared to take a picture of myself. I was wearing my best dress, with fancy tights and all. i did my best to attract people's attention, above all mum's attention (she had the camera, you know). but nothing. no pictures for me (just this one).

when i turn one, i am gonna have a better party. first, more air ballons. I love them, and I am not scared when they burst - i did it twice myself. second, less juice and more coffee for the kids. I love the smell of it and tried to drink it from the cups left on the floor more than once. i especially like to lick the sugary bottom of them.
third, naps banned. why all that frenzy about putting me and my baby friends to sleep right when the party was at its best!
and last but not least, we'll ban mums too! we'll have our dads entertaining us instead, for a change. we'll send our mums to some spa or something. who cares. ok dads?

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Io capisco perche' la prima parola di Tommasino sia stata "scarpa": anch'io adoro le scarpe! Appena posso, inizio a masticare suole e lacci, facendo impazzire mio fratello che e' un'ossessionato di germi e batteri e quando vede che mi sto avvicinando alle scarpe va in panico!!

PS: la tigre e' mio fratello (quando si guarda allo specchio in pigiama, prende paura)
il mio angolo preferito della casa: la scarpiera!
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Friday, November 16, 2007


col fratellone - lui fa le torri, io le abbatto

dicendo babbo (ahia!) alla giraffa
un po' di relax
mio fratello e' cosi' competitivo... mi ha sfidato a costruire una torre piu' alta di lui... ma e' solo questione di tempo, sai?!
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She cannot really mean it

Dunque, io le cambio i pannolini, io le faccio il bagnetto, io mi sveglio di notte, io la consolo se cade e si fa male, io mi becco le sue vomitate sulla spalla, io la metto a letto alla sera, io le do' da mangiare, io mi stresso se non cresce, io la vesto, io spiego alla baby-sitter come renderla felice, io prendo giorni di malattia se lei non sta bene... e qual e' la sua prima parola?
Che ingiustizia cosmica!!!!!!!!!!!
I change her nappies, I give her a bath, I wake up at night for her, I put her to sleep, I hug her if she falls down, I feed her, I worry if she is underweight, I dress her up, I spend my days training the baby-sitter, I call sick at work if she is unwell... and what is her first word?
Daddy (BABBO)!!
Life is unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

sempre in movimento/always on the move

Ok, Iam tired of staying at home, I am going for a ride...
vado a farmi un giro, sono stanca di stare a casa the Burger Kitchen, for some chips and a beer...

...vado al ristorante per farmi una birra e delle patatine

and when I am back home, guess where do I want to go?
e quando torno a casa, indovina chi vado a trovare?

...right! To my mum's home office! She chose the room at the top of the stairs but that does not stop me!! Peekabo!!!

Esatto! la mia mamma, nel suo ufficio di casa, che e' in cima alle scale, ma ame chi mi ferma?!?!