All'ultima visita pediatrica, sono risultata sottopeso per la mia eta' (7,5 Kg. a 7 mesi) ... pparentemente, i miei genitori hanno esitato troppo nell'introdurre carne nella mia dieta - molto sana come dieta, a base di broccoli e carote, ma non abbastanza proteica, anche considerando il fatto che non bevo latte se non alla spina (e anche quello scarseggia).
Eleonora is underweight apparently (7,5 KG. at 7 mnoths) and the doctor told us to go to a dietologist - who advised us to introduce meat and other food rich in proteins. As a matter of fact, we were feeding her with a lot of veggies but not many proteins... very healthy, the dietologist said, but not suitable for a growing baby, especially considering the fact that Eleonora does not drink milk except from the breast, and that is also not a lot (mom is kind of on a milk strike).
E in effetti... ho molta fame di carne!
Eleonora is underweight apparently (7,5 KG. at 7 mnoths) and the doctor told us to go to a dietologist - who advised us to introduce meat and other food rich in proteins. As a matter of fact, we were feeding her with a lot of veggies but not many proteins... very healthy, the dietologist said, but not suitable for a growing baby, especially considering the fact that Eleonora does not drink milk except from the breast, and that is also not a lot (mom is kind of on a milk strike).
E in effetti... ho molta fame di carne!
Naturalmente, per complicare ulteriormente le cose, ho deciso di non mangiare piu' pappette o cibi frullati/cremosi, ma solo cibi solidi! Quindi e' diminuita drasticamente la quantita' di cibo che ingerisco, con grande preoccupazione della mamma.... che si sta scervellando per trovare cibi che posso afferrare con le mie mani e portarli alla bocca (non voglio nessun'aiuto!) ma che non mi facciano soffocare... per ora, la mia dieta consiste di avocado, formaggino, formaggio grana, polpettine di carne di manzo macinata, pollo, pasta al ragu' e al burro, broccoli, cornflakes e cheerios, pane, piselli, lenticchie e riso, banane, pere, prosciutto cotto. Sto lentamente imparando a masticare e degluttire, ma spesso mi si forma una "mappottone" di cibo sotto al palato che mi si stacca solo bevendo tanta acqua! In compenso ho imparato ad afferrare piccoli pezzi di cibo usando il pollice e l'indice.
To make things worse, Eleonora seems to be in a hurry to be a toddler and play with his brother, and is refusing any kind of mashed food. She only eats solid foods, and she has to bring them to her mouth herself without any help! So we are looking for solid foods that will not choke her, and so far she's been eating avocados, bananas, pear, peas, lentils, chicken, minced meat, soft cheese and parmisan cheese, pasta, rise, ham, cereals, broccoli... all cut in small pieces for Eleonora to grasp and take it to her mouth. She is learning to chew but has not completely mastered the skill yet, so sometimes she needs a lot of water to swallow her food! On the other hand, she has really mastered her thumb-finger grasp!
1 comment:
ma davvero e' sottopeso??
non si direbbe!
beh comunque adesso ne mangia di cose, il ragu' e' stata la nostra salvezza per moooooolto tempo.
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